4 Reasons That Make You Want To Masturbate
The benefits of masturbation for men's health are confirmed by a study from Harvard University, which listed every benefit achieved from the constant practice of self-indulgence.
1.Prevents Premature Ejaculation
If the sexual act with your partner ends too soon, or sooner than you would like, you should know that masturbation helps make sexual relations last longer.
Self-examination about two hours before sex would help men with premature ejaculation problems to better control said ejaculations and increase the duration of sexual intercourse. In short, it is possible that by masturbating you will last longer in bed.
2. Improves Fertility
There are also studies that indicate that men manage to considerably improve the quality and mobility of their sperm by masturbating. Masturbating before intercourse means that new and better sperm are released during sexual intercourse, and increase the chances of fertilization.
3. Sleep Better at Night
Given its relaxing effect on a physical and emotional level, masturbation favors rest and falling asleep. Sleeping pills? Try to have some fun alone.
Also, those men who want some more fun and relaxing experience you can try these masturbator eggs, they will make you reach your climax so good.
4. Reduces The Risk of Prostate Cancer
Recent research suggests that frequent emptying of the prostate gland helps prevent infections and prostate cancer. According to a study carried out in Australia, men who ejaculate more than five times a week have a lower risk of prostate cancer.
Enjoy yourself alone and with someone!